Tuesday, December 29, 2009

sudden inspiration

what you think about yourself may not be true reflecting what other people think about you..

never think that you are kind enough until others see the fruit of kindness in you..

never say "i can't" till you proceed into trying and you really fail thousands times..

never think that you are a great leader until others are satisfied with your attitude..

never think you are trustworthy till you trust yourself to not offend others and yourself..

never be too proud when others extol you, it may be just some words of affirmation.. not more than that..

never think you are successful in handling a great problem when you are not faithful in doing a small little thing..

humility is the key..


that's the tool for you to be able to see yourself,
like others can see you

but, remember its feature:
right becomes left, left becomes right..

it does help you to see yourself,
but doesn't mean that when the things are right in your eyes, they are also right in others' views..

it allows you to see your reflection, the virtual you, not the real you..

be careful..

the first impression might be wrong, doesn't mean it's completely out..

one says:
Show me your friends and I can show you your future..

sounds so "paranormalic"..
but it's true..

show you friends, where you belong, whom you hang out with..
they depicted your future...

your future is your passion..
dare to dream, follow your may help..

don't force yourself to do what you don't like to do,
but sometimes you cannot choose..
when the thing you are reluctant to do, will help you to build a strong vital foundation..

just follow the rule, and you will be safe,
in playing the game of life..

some will fall on the way..

some will just stay there after falling, or fall even further..

some will blame the road that is too slippery..

but, the better ones will find what makes them falling, learn from that 'slippery road' and not fall again on the same spot, continue to rise up, and move on.. the journey has not reached its end yet.. it's not the journey to the down-slope road, but to a mountain top..

"God, help me to be better than yesterday.."
this is my prayer.. my daily prayer.. everyday..

go for an extra mile, or two miles..
more tears may flow,
but you will find more oasis in the desert...
posted by Jennifer R. at 3:37 PM 0 comments

Friday, December 25, 2009

It'S cHriSTmaS :)

yay, Christmas is coming:)..
hmm.. maybe true

people celebrate Christmas not only in the churches but also in malls..
Christmas carols...
glamour Christmas decorations along Orchard road...
Christmas trees, gifts, bells, mistletoe, stockings, etc etc..
and not forgetting the old fat man, Santa Claus..(and pete?)

all people on the street will know that it's Christmas...
but do they know what Christmas is?

Do you?

(to be continued...)

From the bottom of my heart,
wishing you a:

posted by Jennifer R. at 12:00 AM 0 comments

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

life is (too) short

i just heard a news,
an eighteen-year-old girl just passed away after a motorcycle accident,,
i didnt really know the reason and everything..
and i didnt know this girl as well..
she was just a friend of my friend..
but i saw her on the obituary today, and some friends' fb statuses about her..

yup 18,
young and pretty..
went home to Father's house earlier than most people..
seeing her friends testimony on her fb(she didn't put private so i can see).
she was a cheerful, inspiring, lovable, dependable girl for her friends..
maybe she has completed her task in this world already so she could go back faster?nobody knows;p..

we never know when our time will come..
but we may question ourselves:
"what is our purpose of life?"
"have we done enough good deeds in this world?"
"what were we created for?"

if we are not sure about the answers, maybe we should think about it, soon, or like now..
coz we will never know when the day comes,,
we only drop by in this world for a short while
(remember 100 years is short),
so let's live our life to the fullest..

-in condolences-, tabah yah kluarga n temen2nya...
posted by Jennifer R. at 10:18 PM 0 comments

Monday, December 21, 2009

old & new

an old video, a new inspiration to me..:)
(bukan ngomongin taun baruan biarpun kita udah ada di penghujung taun..;p)

similar one, just cooler;p..
posted by Jennifer R. at 11:28 PM 0 comments

Sunday, December 20, 2009

i can only imagine

I was reminded of this song by yesterday’s ‘glow-in-the-dark’ performance 
(dunno what it should be called) in GBI Baranangsiang Christmas celebration service…

I can only imagine, originally by MercyMe. but the one i heard yesterday definitely not by MercyMe.. maybe by Amy Grant? or whoever's still great anyway;p..

I can only imagine
What it will be like
When I walk
By your side

I can only imagine
What my eyes will see
When your face
Is before me
I can only imagine

Surrounded by Your glory, what will my heart feel
Will I dance for you Jesus or in awe of you be still
Will I stand in your presence or to my knees will I fall
Will I sing hallelujah, will I be able to speak at all
I can only imagine

I can only imagine
When that day comes
And I find myself
Standing in the Son

I can only imagine
When all I will do
Is forever
Forever worship You
I can only imagine


I can only imagine [x2]

I can only imagine
When all I will do
Is forever, forever worship You

This song sounds so... uhm..-dunno what the right vocab to describe in any language-
Good lah;p…

Impressed by this song, I spouted out everything inside my random mind…XD..
And this was what I could only imagine for instance;p…

taken using N73>>low quality, lazy to scan;p..

Anyway, the theme of this service was : "I'm coming soon", (like you often heard) so just take the right step and always be prepared;p..JBU..

P.S. if you want to listen to this song, just search accordingly on youtube, or imeem, or jango, or any website you can access.. it's  a good one.

finally, let me end this post by this quote:)
There has been only one Christmas - the rest are anniversaries.~ WJ Cameron.

posted by Jennifer R. at 10:23 PM 0 comments

Monday, December 14, 2009

gantung keluar;p --- hang out

friends of the day:

destination:bsm - nearest mall from my house;p
kata siapa bsm kaga ada apa2nya yah?haha...

lunch - solaria
karaoke - violent objection from me..hehe.. jadi juga n diextend pula..TT...ajang ngetawain orang2 doank;p...
movie - new moon? oke koq.. tapi pada bilang jelek..hehe.. better than 2012(in my opinion);p ;p ;p..

total spending: about S$6 for everything..wohoo... luv indo man;p...

>>what's next??>>
posted by Jennifer R. at 10:45 PM 0 comments

Saturday, December 12, 2009

random memory

ga banyak orang yang nginget hal2 random yg udah lewat secara detail..
paling juga inget kalo pernah mengalami event tertentu tapi yah, that's it.. sisanya lupa..

saia juga bukan seseorang yg ingetannya bagus as in saia emang cuma bisa nginget hal2 random;p...n i was amazed by this guy who remembered almost every single random fact that we experienced before..haha...

hari ini gw baru aja ketemu ama salah seorang temen sd gw yang ternyata punya vivid memory..kaga banyak yg berubah dari dia, selain suaranya yg tambah beurat dan statusnya...hoho..mukanya sama abis..haha..kaga brubah ama skali;p... hmm, physically i also did not change a lot anyway;p..

yup, attending youth christmas celebration yg emang pgn gw datengin tapi rada males kalo kaga ada yg kenal terus cengo sendiri, n by God's plan(gile rohani amat,,haha)gw nemu temen sd gw yang udah lebih dari 6 taun kaga keliatan di fb..n dia kirim fb invitationnya acara ini n dy sendiri pasang rsvp attending.. n katanya dia jg kaga ada yg kenal d youth karena emang cuma dateng youth pas natal..hehe...

pembicaraan sangat klasik dimulai:
"eh, masih inget gw ga? dah lama pisan kaga ketemu.."
"yup, masih donk..."

obrolan pun berlangsung cukup panjang ampe ahirnya kita memutuskan untuk tidak menuh2in wall secara kaga jelas bgitu..hehe...

bhubung ngobrolin natalan, tiba2 muncullah scene natal skolah minggu waktu kelas 4 sd di mana waktu itu orang yg gw temuin n gw knal cuma ini anak..duduk sih boleh sebelahan, tapi ngobrol sih kaga sama skali..hehe..waktu itu gw inget sih dia ikut skola minggu yg siang sedangkan gw pagi jdny emang jarang bgt ketemu d greja sih..tapi..waktu kelas 4 pdahal kita sekelas..hehe..n pernah duduk semeja juga, tapi yah namanya juga anak2 klo emang 22nya dieman yah ahirnya kaga ngobrol sama skali deh..hehe..n kita sama2 inget kejadian geje ini;p..

trus dia nambahin: 'oh iya inget, yang waktu itu u tiba2 ngilang kan?'
wuih, detil yg bgini diinget juga? mantab lah.. yup, waktu itu gw emang balik sebelom acara berakhir karena emang udah malem...

singkat cerita, hari ini pas uda masuk ruangan servicenya, banyak yg udah berubah..dulu karpet skarang keramik..dulu ngampar skarang pake kursi..hehe..emang biasa ga attend service yg di cabang ini sih..jadi pangling..

melihat perubahan yg tampak,pembicaraan pun mulai lagi:
gw:"wah udah brapa taun yah gw kaga ke sini..beda abis"
dy:"inget padus ga? tu trakhir kalinya gw ke sini.."
gw:"woo..padus yg natal pas 3 sd itu?yg nyanyinya lagu 'bangkitlah menjadi terang' maksud lu?"
dy:"iyah, yang pada ahirnya udah di panggung ga turun2..hehe"
gw:"hoho iy, yang ahirnya malah disuru kibar2in bendera sepanjang lagu2 laennya.."

yep2 banyak abis pembicaraan ga penting ttg 'pasts in common' yg kita inget pdahal mungkin banyak orang yg ga bakal inget..haha..

trus pas candle light, yang dibagiin emang bukan lilin,tapi light stick(di sini disebut apa gw lupa;p)..n ternyata scene yg muncul di kepala kita sama..
lagi2 natalan skolah minggu pas 4 sd yg gw ngilang itu..hmm..

n gw cukup yakin dy masih inget kejadian2 aneh waktu kita sekelas pas kelas 4 n 5 sd karena kita pernah duduk bareng pas kelas 4 n 5 sd.. rencana guru2 yang bikin duduk harus cewe n cowo supaya ga ngobrol mulu di kelas kayanya gagal tuh..hehe..

lagi nulis ini aja, gw keinget ngapain aja pas natal pas kelas 3,4,5 ampe taun lalu n hal2 lainnya yg berhubungan sama hal2 tersebut..hehe..tapi kaga usa dibahas deh, bisa2 ga abis2;p..n today is gonna be -soon- a memory as well..haha..

trus satu hal random yg gw inget pas natal youth taun lalu: bintang tamunya TW youth, trus sound systemnya rada ga bner n kebetulan mic salah satu vocalist TW youth itu ga nyala.. dy udah ngasi sign,tp kyny ada kesalahan teknis yg bikin itu mic tetep gamau nyala..n tampang si vocalist cewe itu udah kesel gitu ampe kliatannya ga konsen penyembahannya..hehe... ok this one is totally random;p..

anw, keren yah manusia diciptain dengan memori yg luar biasa..bisa sortir info2 lama n baru, penting n ga penting tanpa crash.. beneran keren deh yang nyiptainnya;p..

{looking forward to sdk 5 bpk penabur '03 reunion ;p... moga2 plannya lancar n banyak yg ikut n juga menambah kenangan manis buat masa mendatang^^...}
posted by Jennifer R. at 11:03 PM 0 comments

Sunday, December 6, 2009

I still believe in miracle...
posted by Jennifer R. at 8:56 PM 0 comments