Monday, February 7, 2011
in relation with science..
Now I’m back with the 2nd post of the year;p,,
While the previous post was posted when I was ‘unemployed’, this time is a bit different; p. I’m currently helping out in a tuition centre back in my hometown, assisting secondary school students for their maths and physics. For this, I began to recall some concept and theory, which I had abandoned since a level ended ;p..
When I skimmed through the summary notes in the tuition centre where I help out, I found some things that I had actually forgotten as they were not inside ‘O’ nor ‘A’ level physics syllabus, e.g calculation for lenses, reflection, and refraction, resistor color codes, solar system, etc etc(hmm, quite different huh..and I didn’t remember studying some of it before ;p).. Past 2 weeks I spent my time there; and you know what? The ‘job’ that I never thought of before was actually exciting and fun:). I feel that I found friends there (not students nor tutees ;).. )
Anyway, I just wanna share about 1 physics concept that I (force it to) relate to our life.;)..
I’m sure all physics students have heard this word before: resonance. When the frequency of driving force matches its natural force, resonance will occur. When resonance occurs, there is maximum transfer of energy due to those two matching frequencies causing very large amplitude of vibration. (can’t believe I can still recall this without referring to anything..;p)
Talking about driving force, questions came out of my mind. What is actually the driving force of our life? And, how to match this force with our natural force, so that we can resonate and maximize our capacity?
- What is the driving force of our life?
- I think what drives us to our destination is PASSION. Passion is what a heart desires, an obsession and what one is enthusiastic about that will bring satisfaction to oneself. When ones work based on their passion, they will at least enjoy what they are doing if not master the activity. But here comes more difficult question: what is our passion? Each person’s passion may differ from one another.
- Honestly, this is not an easy question for me. I have been thinking so long to answer it and have never found the answer (yet). After talking with a friend, I realize that in order to find it out, we have to be in it. We may not know what our passions are yet, but trying out things may help to find the answer.
- Anyway, do you know why I choose teaching as my internship? Actually there’s a lot of reasons, but one thing to know, I used to think that teaching was definitely not my passion, I couldn’t teach, I was afraid that people wouldn’t understand what I was talking about, I was scared that people wouldn’t listen and all the negative thought.. in short, teaching was not in my dictionary!
- Then why I still choose teaching? This thought began when I read my JC testimonials and this part was purely written by my form teacher. He wrote about something saying that I liked to help to teach people who are weaker in maths. And my first response reading that : LAUGH OUT LOUD.. Really! I thought, c’mon why he wrote this as I was also not very good in maths(and he was my Maths teacher too..tsk..that’s why I thought he was kidding)...
- However (after laughing at it), I kept thinking about that ‘funny statement’ till there was a drive in me that said, why not? He was not so wrong after all. yup, some simply kept asking maths questions to me (who has less maths knowledge) instead of now, this is me, the girl enjoying her temporary job as a tuition teacher;p..
- Yeah, when we cannot see ourselves, we may want to hear some opinions from our peers? Though they may sound ridiculous, after we think twice, their judgment may actually be true, and they may help us in our decision making directly or indirectly..
- Yup, passion is not a so easy thing to find out(at least for me). Just like sciences, we need time to observe, to create hypothesis, to experiment before finally we can conclude. And now I am to find out whether things are my passions or not after I ‘jump’ into them..
- 2. How to match this driving force with the natural force?
- Of course, before we can match them, we need to identify them. Natural force: what is the natural ability that we have, or in other words: our TALENT? I believe everyone has talent and strength that may differ from one another, and there is no one in the world posses everything. Some are naturally gifted in their speech, some are artistically talented, some in their logical thinking, and even some are simply talented for caring for others.
- To find out, we may want to make a list what we are good at and what we are not good at ;p.. And we may not know what we good at until we try, right? Just try when you have chance to try. Try before you no longer have any choice. Experiment on them, you may want to try to speak in front of your school if you want to discover your talent in speech, or you may want to design a class T-shirt if you want to show off your artistic talent, or even take part in organizing committee to find whether you have leadership ability.
- Again, our natural abilities are also confirmed by others. For example,(only example, not trying to offend anyone) if you think you are gifted to be a singer but you can’t even synchronize your voice with the musical instruments and none like your voice, then what? Yes you know the answer^^..
- We may want to ask ourselves: what do we really enjoy doing most? Here’s the good thing about what we enjoy and what we are good at: we are usually good at things that we really enjoy doing most. So I think it’s easier to find our natural force, as usually we will enjoy doing them no matter what :)
In conclusion, before we can reach our destination and maximize our capacity, we have to find out those two things: natural & driving force. When these forces (passion and talent) match, we will be able to do greatest things we can achieve and be the greatest individuals we can be. Let us ‘resonate’ :)
posted by Jennifer R. at 10:31 PM
Like it, makes me think twice about my life... :)
~God Bless~
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