Saturday, June 26, 2010

wow..what am i doing right now?
sharusnya jem sgini gw ada kelas KOM man..
but i'm not feeling that well leh..n i think belajar buat prelim lebih prioritas setelah kemaren2 tidur mulu gara2 obat flu selalu menyebabkan kantuk...fuhh...(anw, i have officially skipped 2 KOM class, n kalo peraturan ga berubah, alamat ngulang taun depan gw..;p)

ok instead of going out,
this is wat i do: buka revision package chem sambil buka komp, dengerin lagunya disciples yg kaga sengaja kebuka(ternyata lagunya keren2 juga lo---
tiba2 ada orang masuk kamar kaga pake ngetok kaga pake bunyi2an...
gw yg uda pake earpiece sambil mangku notes plus laptop bingung juga ngeliat ada orang bdiri nyamperin..
kaga ngomong apa2 cuman senyum doank...
ampe roommate gw aja kaga nyadar ada orang masuk..
tanpa sempet copotin earpiece, dia ngasiin kertas kecil ama A4 size plastic thing warna pink ama biru muda...
yah karena setengah bingung, gw cuma bilang thank you..n dia cuma bales senyum setelah gw terima pergi dah dia.. unik juga yah...

trus gw baca deh itu notes kecil tulisannya juga simple, but sweet..

Dear Jennifer,
Welcome back!
Happy Belated BD!
Wishing you God's blessings :)
AHM Christina

haha so sweet..yep she is my cluster AHM yg kata orang paling baek..(anw strict kan emang perlu jg spy kaga terjadi chaos;p)..biarpon strict,dy strictnya masuk akal, kaga dibuat2, kaga sok2 galak, tapi tetep bisa gain respect...intinya dia ga lebay deh..hehe.. waktu taun lalu gw uda wonder,moga2 taun ini cluster AHM gw dy aja deh..motherly tapi ga naggy...hehe..

n let's continue: wat did she give? 2 plastic files.. emang bukan sesuatu yg mahal or susah dicari..tapi sblon liburan gw mikir, kyny gw lagi perlu plastic file yg tipis deh..ntar deh mw beli pas gw balik..abis file gw yg laen ketebelan..haha..lumayan2:)..kaga usah ke toko buku lagi...(intinya pas deh yg dia kasih..haha)

yah dy emang suka ngasih something cute buat anak2 cluster yg ultah tapi mnurut gw ini lebih berguna daripada yg dy kasih ke anak2 cluster yg bday sblomnya, such as shower cap, or other cute stuff yg kalo sampe gw dapet sih, gw ga bakal pake punya..hehe...

thanks ms christina<3 ^^
posted by Jennifer R. at 3:32 PM 0 comments

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

sg life?

yesterday morning..
one of my roommies was suddenly cursing and being stressed out..

eh? why ah? confused me...

"i have to go back to my hometown.. i can't stand this anymore..blah blah blah.."

oh ok, now i understood...;p..
her plan not to go back at all this hols --> failed.. reason: simple, cant stand the boring life here...
even she decided to go back earlier than me..huhuh...

not a problem..haha..
then i began to think..
why i so enjoyed my stay here despite of abundance school work, assignments, exams, pressure, etc2..
even here i stay far away from my family, where i can get full support from..
doesn't mean i dont miss my family, yeah i do miss them..

but here..
i also have a family(or families?)..:).. not genetically related, but we are family;p...

here, friends(esp ones w/o parents around) in a certain community = 1 family..haha

yeah without them i'll be rotten this hols waiting for my cip to come before i go back..haha..

uh..i hv to study.. coz it's proven that hard work will be paid off.. c'mon! endure!
posted by Jennifer R. at 10:22 AM 3 comments

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

guardian angel

who expects this to happen?
Singapore that is known as a safe country always emphasizes that low crime doesn't mean no crime.. yeah true..

5 stabbing cases (or 1 mutilation case?) in 2 consecutive days in 2 different areas, 2 deaths, 3 seriously injured....(don't intend to mention details here;p)....interrogation is in progress, whether the cases were related or not...


who's still dare to go out at night huh?(and it was not that late night!)

yeah, i happen to know this from newspaper..
but what was so shocking?(other than this case is too rare to happen in this so called safe country)

yesterday, i met up with some of my church friends to study:)..yeah,quite effective.. got an MBA who understand both science and business related, so can ask him bout anything;p...imba...;p

some of other friends only came during dinner time after work to watch prince of persia afterward (anw, i wasn't in,just no mood to watch movie at night..dont want to rush back home for curfew;p)..
just like a normal chattering during dinner, one of my friends began 'story telling'.. i didn't really know how she started bcos i wasn't around when she began to rap about that topic, but i knew that she was talking about the pg 3 sg newspaper 1/6/10.. yeah, the murder cases... Then we discussed.. 'yeah, there were two different crime scenes rite?'... and she continued, " yeah, and i wasn't dare to run after i saw that.."

found something ridiculous?
let me copy and paste the last sentence:
... and she continued, " yeah, and i wasn't dare to run after i saw that.."

need me to re-paste?
... and she continued, " yeah, and i wasn't dare to run after i saw that.."

yeah, SHE SAW THAT!! she saw the stabbing process.. she was around there.. she was in front of the crime scene.. she saw a man brought to death by a knife.. she saw the attacker(if don't want to be said murderer) and...
the ATTACKER run/walked THROUGH her...(FYI ,it's only at about 7pm!still dare to lingering around at night huh?)

anything could happen.. but most importantly.. she is safe.. .
there must be a guardian angel that protected her from evil..

bad things could just occur.. but she was unhurt.. untouched.
thank God for the fantastical protection towards her..

while the the motive is still unknown, he was caught and arrested by the police..(congrats mr. police...) investigation is still he the same man as the previous day stabber?  unknown, yet... just read the newspaper for future update..

~life is precious.. don't waste it.. you only have 1...
posted by Jennifer R. at 12:21 PM 0 comments