Monday, April 4, 2011
one hundred and fifty percent
When you manage to perform perfectly, what you will get is self-satisfaction.
on the other hand, when there're mistakes while performing,
don't get to stress out so much.. sometimes even with full preparation, mistakes may still do appear..
but the good thing is, usually the audience will not realise it:)
i remember during my first quite a big(and i found it professional) dance concert at MGS Dance Night 2008, i did make a mistake in a dance item.
i appeared from backstage when i was supposed to come up 16 beats later and when i realised i ran back to the backstage according to the rhythm...;p..
was panicking for awhile n hoped that nobody would see...
and that was true,,
nobody realised i appeared at the wrong time,not even my friends who kept their eyes on me from the audience seats(sure fellow dancers around me last time realised a bit lah, why this girl suddenly there in that formation..haha).
in 2009, when I watched Silence, a contemporary dance concert at Esplanade, i found it flawless(though i didn't really get the story actually, plus people beside me sleeping through..haha)..However, my CCA teacher who was involved at the backstage for this event, told us that there was actually lighting problem and a missing track so the dancers skipped one whole section of the dance to that missing track...hmm..
and again, none of the audience realised about that...;p
on Chingay 2010, the Friday performance was so messy..haha.. somehow everyone getting confused with the counting, and following the correct counting would just make u look 'outstanding' coz almost everyone followed the wrong one..haha..luckily, the imperfection was covered with the beauty of fireworks.^^ anw, it was paid off with the great&almost perfect Saturday i found myself (with the group) featured on TV for about 5 seconds...;p
Yup, technical problems almost always appear out of sudden, and this happened during yesterday Yamaha Electone Festival, West Java region to our group from Nada Music School under Electone Ramai-Ramai(which means 'crowd') category. based on the name, it was crowded. Not only electone players, there were vocalists, saxophonists, violinists, guitarists, a drummer, a djembe drummer, little dancers, plus crazy supporters..with the guitarists' costume more like a dancer one(it's similar to what i'm used to wear for tambourine dance in church: long skirt+turtle neck shirt covered with something else), i feel a bit weird, but not bad on stage actually. even i got a woman asked where i rented the costumes as she would need that kind of costumes for a group of dancers, so i just gave her the phone number written on the label of the skirt.(this part was unglam if you try to visualise it..haha)
ok, back to the story..there was a technical problem that caused 1 from 5 electones to be not working..sigh..and somehow at the beginning the tempo to be like 'Tom and Jerry'..:/ we were rather confused which one to follow.. plus something wrong with the microphones for the guitars(so different from during the check sound)...however,(again) for the audience who watched this, it was still a great one(as they never heard the original arrangement that turned to be really perfect during last rehearsal, that was really great i think..)..anyway we had done our best part for this group, so there should be no regret :). we were grateful that we still managed to get the 4th 3rd place( in Indonesia it's called Harapan 1 >>direct translation 1st Hope)updated 05/04/2011(new info: only got 1st, 2nd, & 3rd(harapan 1) place;p (and one more surprising news>updated 08/04/2011: based on the marking points and scores, our group actually got the highest and should win the first instead, but i still dunno how it became 3rd when it was announced O.o)... .so i concluded that we still had hope to win 1st place in other occasions..haha..
(anyway, as we all know, competitions are different from concerts.. in competitions there are judges that u can't fool them with your mere 'cuteness', like u entertain the audience;p..because audience would demand entertainment while the judges would want perfection on skills and overall performances, yet they want some entertainment conclusion, judges are demanding XD)
The fun part of this festival was Audience Award for all categories.The winners were determined by the noise level that the audience could make when the MC stated the participants' number. Each music school had prepared the 'armour' for this noise 'war'. from ours, trumpets and cymbal had been prepared. plus they said they had 2 fire alarms? i dunno which sound was that..but it was noisy anyway;p..
and last resources for those who didnt get anything:
a pair of hand to clap plus an almost-broken-vocal-cords..(like seriously..haha).
however, it was getting disorganized while Audience Award for this category was going to be held as almost all supporters were heading towards the front of the stage.
the MC kept mentioning that the noise-meter was sensitive enough to detect sound in the whole room,
and she 'threatened' that she wouldn't start it till everyone was back to the seat. Of course, we were skeptical.
Instead of being back to our own seats, our group were hiding behind few rows of seats near the person holding on to the noise-meter and cheered as loud as possible when the MC mentioned our group number : 5.(smart people...haha)
and finally we manage to create 110 decibels of noise :D, while other groups only managed to create from 98-108 decibels, so we won this award^^,
Here are some pictures taken on that courtesy of my guitar teacher and my mom;p.
before performance : our cool guitar team with the master;p
concept behind this: not only guys, girls and kids can also play guitar..haha
during performance : me at the centre of the pic, since my mom took this..haha
after performance : our big team winning the Audience Award + 4th 3rd place :D
One thing i can conclude about performances in general: just do the best that you can do,
but if things doesn't go as smooth, it's ok, the audience won't always realise about that..;p..
but if we prepared a very great one for a performance, even with little mistakes, it would be still great.. this reminded me of what ci El(she was the choreographer) said during Naboeng 2009: always give if unnecessary things happen, you would at least still have the 100% :)
posted by Jennifer R. at 3:14 PM
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