Tuesday, December 22, 2009

life is (too) short

i just heard a news,
an eighteen-year-old girl just passed away after a motorcycle accident,,
i didnt really know the reason and everything..
and i didnt know this girl as well..
she was just a friend of my friend..
but i saw her on the obituary today, and some friends' fb statuses about her..

yup 18,
young and pretty..
went home to Father's house earlier than most people..
seeing her friends testimony on her fb(she didn't put private so i can see).
she was a cheerful, inspiring, lovable, dependable girl for her friends..
maybe she has completed her task in this world already so she could go back faster?nobody knows;p..

we never know when our time will come..
but we may question ourselves:
"what is our purpose of life?"
"have we done enough good deeds in this world?"
"what were we created for?"

if we are not sure about the answers, maybe we should think about it, soon, or like now..
coz we will never know when the day comes,,
we only drop by in this world for a short while
(remember 100 years is short),
so let's live our life to the fullest..

-in condolences-, tabah yah kluarga n temen2nya...
posted by Jennifer R. at 10:18 PM


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