Tuesday, November 17, 2009

it WAS yesterday..

yesterday was an emo day..
i expected that much longer before it came..and now it has passed by..
whatever would happen, it would be still an emo day..
despite of movie class outing that was supposed to be fun..
yeah it was fun, but the emo side would still appear..

emo conversation along the day...
since morning...
then tried to forget a bit..

emo again..
before going to lt.1
after going out from lt.1
movie..(got sad part in the movie;p..)
even the last journey on mrt was also emo><...

and that was only a little part that i knew and i followed...
there were still a lot of emo moments in other different places, people, and condition.. fuhhh...

it happened...
maybe there were reasons of why this (or these) should happen..
but for sure, everything happens for a reason..

everything will turn alright..
if you believe..
with a humble heart..
and willingness to carry on..
to see the brighter side of life..
it is there right in front of you...
only when you are moving on you will achieve it..

hmm..suddenly i remember a chunk of a song.. i think it's in my music playlist:
(history by matthew west)

Its been a bad day, you've been looking back
And all you can see is everything you wish you could take back
All your mistakes, a world of regrets
All of those moments you would rather forget
I know it's hard to believe
Let me refresh your memory

Yesterday is history
And history is miles away
So leave it all behind you
Let it always remind you of the day
The day that love made history

You know you can't stay right where you fell
The hardest part is forgiving yourself
But let's take a walk into today
And don't let your past get in the way

Would you believe that you are history
In the making..

Every choice that you are making
Every step that you are taking
Every chain that you are breaking
History is in the making

Every word that you are saying
Every prayer that you are praying
Every chain that you are breaking
History is in the making

so, would you believe?
posted by Jennifer R. at 8:36 AM


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