Friday, November 13, 2009

such a long journey...

yeah, pw is over...
actually i dont want to think about it anymore,
or even talk about it..
cause it is over;p...

it is such a long journey from the beginning of the year.. almost ten months 5 of us was sitting around the centre back table on m1-4…
were we doing our job? Not really…
I can say all of us not putting 100% for this, maybe slightly lower? I’m not sure;p…
But that was an unforgettable journey of my jc 1 life..

I could feel almost any kind of feeling during pw…

Annoyed – when we seemed can’t work together well
Stressed – when things just seemed not right
Tired – when we had to meet for hours
Relief – after handing in wr
Scared – before op
Nervous – during op
Happy – after everything ended;p…

And many more that I cant type one by one…

Yeah, it has been a very long journey, n I love my group…
Though sometimes it seemed not going so well…
I think it’s normal.. coz we are all different people from different backgrounds with different minds and different aspirations..

And mixing them together has become IJ023…^^

Wanna thank u all…

Rat – thanks for being our leader.. Though sometimes we thought you were not so ehemmm..;p, you have the ability to lead.. at least you consult mr. tan a lot.. I think the rest would be too lazy to do so..thank u also for ur concern of ur group members, esp towards op;p…

Nas – thanks for dividing the job when the things just went unorganised ;p.. you was the saviour of our group.. you took step when everyone seemed to be stagnant.. ;p..

Xin Ling – wow, you can talk loud… Yeah.. you had given your best shot for op..good job:)…

Shi Hong – the one who usually had the same opinion with me when it came to argument.. haha… great minds think alike man…;p… anw, good job for google sketch up..nice…:)…

It’s a pleasure to work with all of you guys… you are awesome:)
(all the best for our result^^)

Anw, 1 day before op, I experienced the longest journey from school to my hostel… it took 2.5 hours!!
Since i dont want this post to be so long, I’ll continue on the next post for my literally long journey;p…
posted by Jennifer R. at 11:03 PM


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