Friday, November 20, 2009

the camp was FUN..

3 days 2 nights seemed too short..
but somehow we know more about our class mates, the ones who can be called our friends:)......

for the camp details and activities, i think we all have known it already...
n i think all of us would say it was FUN:)..(love kayaking though my body aching till now;p)
yeah because we are all fun people;p..

just like the title of my blog.. i'm really too blessed to be stressed..
i'm blessed by having you guys as my classmates and as time goes by we have become friends, even close friends..

if the question is how do you think about our class dynamic, i think it deserves more than just 60%.. in fact we can still play together and talk to one a class...

anyway, i have found some ways to mark it down to less than 60%..
here are the ways:

1. always think that you are the most righteous.. all others are wrong, only you are the correct one.. everyone must follow you, because you know the truth.. just let people to do what you have said.. let them obey you, and you dont need to be consistent with your words, because you can do anything you want and it will always be right.. dont listen to them, because you hold the key of validity..

2. see the difference. it truly exists.. so, just keep in touch with people that has more similarities to you.. they will understand and accept you more..since the difference cant be eliminated, just go with it.. dont need to accept other's differecences.. it will just waste your time.. if you can be happy now, why should you put more effort in changing the impossible?

3. dont be a peace maker..yes you can pretend to be a peace keeper, but dont be a peace maker.. if there's something wrong, just let it be.. dont need to be so kaypoh.. if you see something doesnt go the right way, just pretend you dont know anything, so people you will think that u are a peace keeper.. you wont get into any trouble..

4. dont trust your friends. be confident. you can do anything by yourself. dont need to seek help if u think you need to, because you can solve anything by your own.. always think that you are perfect! you dont need anyone else.. and same thing, dont help others.. they should know how to help themselves..

5. think about your own happiness.. being happy is an achievement.. try to be as happy as possible.. be happy in your own way..hack care about others.. you are the main characters, the rest are just there for granted.. you can utilise them, according to your own wants and will.. you being happy is number one..


oh no, i dont want to continue:(..

the choice is in our hands
whether we want to increase the percentage, or even lower it down...

nothing we can change from the past..
but we can do anything now..
and everything we sow now, we will reap it in the future, right?

sorry if there's anything wrong from i hv witten above...i do have no bad intention at all, just want to write from different perspective;p...

<3 0912B.. i dont hope for any change, i only hope for better ones...

thank you, my friends...:)
posted by Jennifer R. at 11:06 PM


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