Thursday, November 26, 2009


finally finished storing the 3 boxes...
packing everything into 3 boxes was not that easy><...
in fact i still have some remaining things,

urmmhh, still dunno want to put where>.<.., anybody?;p

every end of the year i feel the joy of going to meet my family n old friends soon, but...
tired sia,,
squeezing everything inside...

last 2 years, i could pack into 5 boxes, so i could do it much faster...
though i have reduced the amount of my belongings since last june hols( knowing the room was also a bit smaller;p), still... i have to improve my packing skill...;p

yeah at least i've finished storing...
and was hearing to the storing uncle's story;p...

as i could see just now, he had too much work...
(that's why he complained loh);p
he helped the boarders store their boxes...
and lifting up and storing >50 boxes within 2 hours was not a light job...
and he did everything alone..

be strong uncle:)...
since u don't want to continue working here, hope u can get a better job next year:)...

hoah, now i still need to clean up and pack the rest of my things before 8 p.m...

rest first for a while;p...

(recovering in progress;p..)
posted by Jennifer R. at 3:59 PM


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