Sunday, November 29, 2009

it's by choice - (are you one of the somebodies?;p)

Everyday when we wake up, we have two choices, whether to start of the day with the good mood or bad mood.. of course i will choose the good mood:). but what if the bad things happen to us? was today a bad day? let me share about what happened to myself today :

my flight was delayed for almost 2 hours..
honestly since morning i had the feeling that it would be delayed, and scarily it happened..

on the departure board and borading pass written : qz 7972 time:1410, boarding time: 1335
after seeing it had been changed to 1600, i decided to have lunch @ T2(I was supposed to be in T1)..

with some chitchatting, i felt the time flew very fast and it was 1515 already! ok time to travel back to T1, cause the gate should be opened 40 mins before the departure time...

it was not my fault,
it was written 16.00
when i see again on 1520
it bcome 1530...
the worst thing: gate closing...

i was running like hell from the skytrain area all the way till gate c25 as it was written on the boarding pass.. my belongings were not that light, and i was racing against the time...

fyi, gate c25 was like the furthest gate, it was located at the very end, so u can imagine how far it was...
when i just reached that gate(still jogging), i had some conversation with the officer

officer : "hongkong?"
me : "uh,no.. bandung"
officer : "bandung,go c24.. ok faster"
me : ;-_-

so, still with ganchiong mode, i ran back to gate c24,which was not so far, but not that close as well..

i felt like losing my breath already.. my heart was pumping very fast, n maybe loud? till i could feel the beat..

actually i had planned to smsed ppl that i'll be going off soon, but failed..really didnt have time...coz must turn off the phone on plane...i typed, but never send;p..

ok better to be relax first.. headache, maybe there was not enough oxygen to travel to the brain? so i was just sitting,on my seat.. controlling my breath for a while..
at the same time, i was also checking my belongings..

boarding pass...,
arrival card...,

where're my two green cards?

they should be inside the passport cover..
but where were they?

ah, i must be dropping them along the way..
when i was rushing..yeah rushing never be a good thing...

so what should i do?
i didnt know..

still checking my bag..
but they were not there..

i should have dropped them..
but i couldnt contact anyone anymore..
coz the plane was going to fly,,,

student pass and embarcation card are vital documents, and i lost them.. ok i shouldn't be panic coz it wouldnt help me to find them.. i kept telling myself that everything's gonna be alright, though actually i was quite dread ;p ..

after i reached airport, the first thing i told to my mom was about the missing cards,
ok it might not be the right time to tell..
she looked pissed off before i finished telling the complete story, not even a quarter of my explanation..
n actually this pissed me off:(

so i just said to her:
"ok, dont need to worry, i will settle everything by myself..."

such a bad day?
do you think what was happening successfully switched my mood?

NO! there's no bad day;p...

yes true,i was panic.. but i didnt mean that i was having a bad mood for the rest of the day:)..
because, i can choose not to regret it, but to learn from it...

learnt to be more careful..
learnt not to be too panic in such situation..
learnt not to rush..
learnt many things...

in fact i was really2 thankful today..coz the story above just a slice of my day...

let me tell the rest of the story today...

i started the day quite well without rushing..wake up abt 7, bathed, cleaned up.. but i still have things to be kept out from my room.. impossible to store them anymore, n that was not so much as well..and i decided to deposit them to somebody..

yes, i wanna thank somebody who is secretly willing to keep my extra things that i couldnt put it inside the boxes nor bring them back home.. twice somemore.. sorry if my belongings filled up ur room;p, hope it's not too many;p...

i also managed to attend the morning church service without being late;p..though i thought i may not have time to settle everything, i managed to finish everything..and the service also ended i had enough time;p

i also want to thank another somebody for the early christmas gift you gave before i went back to hostel.. it's so cute..wonder how long u took to create it.. thank you..

yes, now was the time to go.. with >20kg belongings, of course i needed to take cab.. but the weather was not so supportive.. it started to drizzle when i was just in front of the gate.. thank God, it only started raining after i got into the cab so i didnt get wet:)..

then i managed to reach airport on time as well,
at the airport i met somebody and somebody who came to send me..,
despite the rain and distance, they came..really appreciate it..thanks..

hanging around airport could be considered fun, and unusual;p.. but the time showed that there was not enough time to have lunch together, though all of us were hungry;p... so after hanging around T3, we went back to T1 and suddenly the board was written: destination: bandung, 16 00, retimed...

and somebody was very delighted (;-_-) knowing my flight was delayed..uh, not so good news actually, though somebody was happy...
but at least we could have lunch together first;p..ok not bad...haha

but seemed the conversation during lunch was getting too long, and i didnt keep track of the re-scheduled flight, till finally the chaos began;p...

There were super lengthy queues in check in area and i was sure i would be left behind if i waited for the queue,
so my spontaneous reaction was to talk to a woman on the second row of the queue

me: "can i go first please, the gate closing.."(cant really explain;p..panic mah;p)

woman(talking to a man in front of him) : "oh ini katanya mau duluan, pesawatnya udah mau berangkat"-(this girl wanna go first, cause the plane is going to fly soon)

man(talking to me): "oh, yes why?"

me: (knowing they are indonesians, from their language, dark green covered passports and garuda indonesia boarding passes they held)
"orang indo kan?"-(indonesian rite?),
"tadi tulisannya jam 1600, tiba2 jadi 1530 jadi.."-(just now it was written 1600, but suddenly it changed to 1530, so..)

i was talking super fast cause it's 1525 alr!!
then the man just replied..

man: "oh gitu..yah kamu duluan deh:)" - (oh, you go first lah:))

me: "whoah, thanks...X)"

amazing, i didnt need to wait for the long queue;p..

after the long run, i finally reached gate c24...
seeing me was so ganchiong, the officers didnt even ask me to take out my laptop or my phone..

they were just asking, "any handphone or laptop?"
i just replied,"everything inside.."..hahaha..

this was like the fastest ever i could go through the gate.. the first time they didnt ask me to take out the electonics for x ray thingy...
actually, i also quite reluctant if they want me to take it out cause it was dumped really deep inside my bag;p..
thanks officers who made this procedure much faster and simpler;p...

yeah, thank God i managed to get into the plane on time...
exactly 1530... and surprisingly i was not the last person..
there was a family came later then me, n still managed to fly;p...
good for them then;p...

on the way and until i reached home i still thinking on how to get my 2 green cards back..
after i explained to my parents they understood, and as i said earlier,
i wouldnt agitate them,

so i just ask for the internet broadband connection and i went online.. thank them to provide this thumbdrive-look-alike connection, which is much faster than the ADSL one;p.. the last time, we only used ADSL which often disturb the phone telecommunication line..

after being online, i just went meebo(no msn installed;p), i texted somebody on the msn, asking for help.. yea got the changi website, then chatted with other somebodys asking for help as well..

and finally another somebody really helped me a lot..
this person was willing to help me call the number i found on the internet about lost and found item on the airport, which i couldnt contact from here (dunno why), this person also calmed me down..till finally:

GOOD NEWS.. it was found^^..
yeah, though this person was nervous when calling the airport, this somebody did that and i super duper appreciated this:)...Thank you so much:)

i'm really grateful that the two tiny cards were not dropped in some area and swept away or what, but they were found and i can collect it on my arrival date in Singapore later;p... many people to thank today:)..once again i say THANKYOU so much for everyhting^^..
(anw, i dont mention any name here because the "somebodies" will know who u are, n i know that you are smiling now while reading this;p)

there's nothing coincidence. all have been planned.

Thank God for everything...
yeah, i believe everything's gonna be alright..

it's your choice how to live your life
posted by Jennifer R. at 10:08 PM


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