Friday, April 23, 2010

brighten your days through cca:)

actually i'm not promoting one of the school rule of 'must hv 1 cca!', but
i just feel so..

when people say, "oh you have cca today? i dont have u know?*evil grin*"
i could simply answer,"it's ok..i enjoy my cca..i'm having fun there; without cca is too stressful for me.."
yesterday was supposed to be our last cca performance in ijc..
yes, stepping down performance by the j2s, (n xtra j1 boys though for some reasons;p)..

the j2s are stepping down soon...>.< two weeks time if i'm not mistaken..

i'm gonna miss it for sure;p..
gonna miss the fun..dinner..outing..performances..watching studio..backstage restroom..bruises..muscle pain.."jig-a-low";p(this makes us famous man, or rather infamous;p)..stolen cheer-leading mat..laughter..times when we suddenly got hyped up..the roll,split,jump,spin,crunches.back arc,handstand,..funny videos n pics..crazy things we did..etc etc..

somehow in this cca, i can have a feeling of being a dancer.. esp this year..
to be out of myself..
to express..
to release..
to learn..
i learn many things..
from dance skills to social skills;p..

i do feel that without cca my jc life will be so boring..
yeah, i love my cca.. love the people inside..;p..

i still remember when i skipped dance for 2weeks+ because of joining floorball..
yeah, i wanted to stay in floorball(like it too;p), but i really really couldnt and didnt want to leave dance.. that was the reason why i never told my cca teacher that i was going for floorball, because i do not want to be officially out of dance..haha...

finally, the regulation of no transferring cca was absolute, making me stay in dance(was quite sad though because the school hv 1 official cca policy,..cant join both><)
and the consequence was i needed to catch up with the new movement that is going to be performed in less than 3 weeks time..

and the problem was...
my short term memory;p..
i usually cant remember the choreo easily,
i was not so confident that i can follow the dance...
but miraculously, on the day when i stepped in again to the dance studio(after some weeks on the futsal court and gym),
i could remember every movement..
in abt 1hour only..(plus some mass practice after that)
i could recall the dance in whole..
even i couldnt believe myself at that time.. that i really made it:)
so i only need to polish up the movement when the instructor came the week after:)..

besides, unexpectedly, this year we did a lot of performances leh...last year only 1(the whole year, since i wasnt involved in syf), this year we had 5 alr..yesterday was the 5th performance this year,which was supposedly our stepping down performance...but, u know what..
the teacher likes it.. i dunno exactly who..
we are asked to perform again...(details are still confidential, not in school anw;p)
hmm...she didnt know that yesterday was supposedly our last performance i guess;p...
not bad lah..
got something to do..better than nothing..maybe it's going to be called"after stepping down" or "nostalgic"performance?haha
<3 ij dance club..<3 my batch, n juniors too:)

anw, <3 floorball too...all the best for floorball a-div gals..though i'm no longer in the team, i'll always support all of u:)..hope ij floorball team can bring glory to the school;p..was having great times training with you gals:)..
posted by Jennifer R. at 11:05 PM


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