Saturday, April 3, 2010

Warning: This is about Love!

2-3 april.. 1st time visit to malaysia..haha...
hmm, maybe partially because of the new experience, but
mainly of course because of the experience on the event itself

i really felt the Love in my life..
the real unconditional love.. u know why?
simply because i don't deserve it..

on the night session, i simply felt the peace in my heart,
and the strong Love..and assurance that
"Yes, you are perfectly loved"..
the feeling was rather indescribable..just imagine when u r loved when u actually don't deserve the love.. ..
it's like the prisoner who is being set free without doing much good deeds.. something like that..i think u get it lah;p..

i have many ups and downs in my life journey..
i often fall,
but He raises me up,
and wipes the tears of my sorrow..
makes me stand up again on my feet..
and guides me through the perfectly-planned journey..
according to His will..

though the way may not be so smooth..
He will lead me on..
He will carry me through..
but as i grow up, He lets me walk on my own..
so i can choose where i want to go..
but He still walks in front of me, giving guidance..
on which way i should go..

Though he may not carry me at all times,
he will never leave me walking alone,
not even once..
so i will never fall too badly, nor be lost too far..;p

when i turn my face away..
He will immediately call me back..
says, "come back, I have written a long list of My beautiful plan for your future in My planner"..

how could i not love Him then?;p
-And this is love, not that we had love for Him, but that He had love for us..
yes, He did love me first..and the good news is : He loves you too:)

we need love in order to love,
but we are often disappointed if we rely on human merely..
there's some occasions where people (eg parents, friends, spouse, etc etc),who supposedly love you, but they abandon you, disappoint you, hurt you..:( so how can we love if we are not being loved?
we cannot give what we don't have, true?

that's why we need the Love from the core..
it can only be found in God.. He's the source of perfect love..
He loves you just the way you long as you are willing to be shaped?

and when His love is overflowing in our life, it shouldn't be difficult to spread the love to our neighbour, right?
in fact we cant contain it anymore and we will have strong desire to spread it out to people who need it..

Let the love be always in the air:)
posted by Jennifer R. at 7:26 PM


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