Thursday, February 11, 2010


whooaaa... this week (since last week though) is super tiring week...
never really get enough sleep...
going back super late..
dance-floorball-chingay training-cny performance-orientation-school-etc etc..
i enjoy it though:).

usually i can recover my exhaustion on saturday-eve...but...
last saturday  morning got floorball training,
after that straight away, hostel orientation (this is fun, but sunburnt;p)
at night continued with dedication service, and food n small party at dining hall...

sunday, of course must wake up early...
i just feel super tired, but a lot of work to do...
took a short nap but, still, cant get enough sleep..
coz taking nap=sleep later...

i fell asleep during lectures and tutorials for this whole week...
maybe not a long sleep, but i kept dozing off for these few days..
really, not intended to sleep at all..but suddenly the world seemed to be darker(red:-eyes closed ;p)
and my lecture notes..;p ;p ;p(some of my classmates should know what happened;p)

maybe teachers didn't notice that i fell asleep,
coz i still sit up straight;p..
mr. A...

our physics tutor..
i'm pretty sure he noticed me dozing off in class this week,
but just now...

*in class, thursday afternoon, physics tutorial P1-3*
Mr. A,"oscillation is blah blah blah...
to answer this question you have to know the amplitude...
but what is meant by amplitude? jennifer?"

at instant i just answered, "maximum displacement..."

sounds normal rite?

but it was actually a miraculous answer...
because when he called my name...
my eyes was closed...
i didnt even really sure what question he was discussing...
(i prepared for this tutorial though, but there's no such question asking about defining

and actually i'm still confused...
how could i answer that...
without re-asking the question...
without much thinking...
how could i listen to his question while i was falling asleep?;p
and how could i respond that fast?;p..
and provide the correct answer..haha

maybe if i didnt answer the question correctly,
he wouldn't just continue explaining other thing..;p..means,i would die...hahaha
maybe he wondered, was this girl really sleeping just now?haha....

fortunately cny is coming...
5 days break should be enough to recover from this fatigue...
though i'll be quite busy this weekend..
but better than nothing lah^^...
i need rest...enough rest;p...
(anw, enough sleep for me is 52-56 hrs per week;p)
posted by Jennifer R. at 6:34 PM


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